Katun (Aleksinac)

Katun (Cyrillic: Катун ) is a village in eastern Serbia.

Geography and population

The village lies in the Opština Aleksinac in Nišavski okrug in the east to 273 meters above sea level. Katun had in the census of 2011 a population of 442 inhabitants, while there were 571 in 1991. After the last three population statistics, the population continues to fall.

The population of Katun provide 100% Serbian Orthodox Serbs. The village consists of 213 households. Katun is located southeast of the municipal capital Aleksinac. Katun is located on the banks of the South Morava.



The Serbian Orthodox Church in the village is dedicated to Saint Great Martyr Procopius and dates from 1937. The church was built in the Serbian - Byzantine style. The church belongs to the Eparchy of Niš, the Serbian Orthodox Church.


  • Књига 9, Становништво, упоредни преглед броја становника 1948, 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2002, подаци по насељима, Републички завод за статистику, Belgrade 2004, ISBN 86-84433-14-9
  • Књига 1, Становништво, национална или етничка припадност, подаци по насељима, Републички завод за статистику, Belgrade 2003, ISBN 86-84433-00-9
  • Књига 2, Становништво, пол и старост, подаци по насељима, Републички завод за статистику, Belgrade 2003, ISBN 86-84433-01-7
  • Place in Okrug Nis
  • Opština Aleksinac