Kazakh Economic University

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The Kazakh economy Ryskulov University (Russian Казахский экономический университет имени Т. Рыскулова ( КазЭУ ) ) is a University of Economics in the Kazakh city Almaty. It was founded in 1963 and has five faculties. It is named after the Soviet politician Turar Ryskulowitsch Ryskulov.


According to the decision of the Soviet government on 9 May 1963, founded on 20 August 1963, the Almaty Institute of National Economy ( AINH ), which initially consisted of three different departments. In 1973, the number of teachers was already more than 330 in the same year also a complex was opened by student dormitories. The Institute also opened branches in Astana, Aktobe and Shymkent.

In the years 1981 to 1982 approximately 10,205 students studying at the Almaty Institute of National Economy, there were 540 teachers employed ( including 16 professors and doctors and 218 faculty and graduate students ). After the independence of Kazakhstan from the Soviet Union, the Almaty Institute of National Economy in 1991 was renamed the Kazakh University of Economics. On 25 February 1993, the university was renamed by a decree of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in the Kazakh State Academy of Management.

On 23 May 2000, the Kazakh government decided that academy in honor of the former chairman of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic Turkestan, Turar Ryskulowitsch Ryskulov to rename in Kazakh Ryskulov - Economic University. In rankings, is at the head of the Kazakh universities. There is an intensive cooperation with South Korea.


Today's university consists of five faculties and two departments:

  • Faculty of Technology and Economics
  • Faculty of Management
  • Department of Finance
  • Faculty of Accounting and Statistics
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Department of Kazakh and Russian language
  • Military department