Key Word in Context

A permuted ( alphabetical ) register, permuted directory or chain register is a special form of a register are listed multiple times so permuted in which whole phrases ( titles such as book titles and headings, or subject strings ) that are each a different keyword as a highlighted Register entry appears. The registers are created automatically, as a rule, where as usual representation forms KWIC ( keyword in context ) and KWOC ( keyword out of context) can be distinguished.

KWIC Index

The abbreviation stands for KWIC Keyword In Context ( keyword in context). In the same index, the keyword will be highlighted within the phrase. This can be done for example by centering the keyword or bold.


The KWIC index is created by the alphabetical sorting of the words in a text. It should be noted that the surrounding context information (ie, the area words ) are taken as far as possible with the index. The sorted words are shown in bold in the middle of a line, left and right are then in roman type a few words from the surrounding context. So the context of meaning of the word you are looking it easier to view.

In order not to overload a KWIC index page with a long list of frequent, but not useful bearing words (eg, , and ), you can specify when KWIC the stop words which should not be included in the index.


In the world präcomputerisierten KWIC was a common and useful indexing method. So KWIC was used for track lists in libraries since the user then received additional information from the title in the search for a keyword; In this function, KWIC has however been replaced by computerized full-text search.

Also, be prepared with KWIC concordances as they (about philologists or historians ) will, for example, by social scientists needed for accurate analysis of texts. From a KWIC index can be seen that words in a text at which point, appear how often and in what context, so that, for example, questions of authorship, semantics and stylistics or textual criticism ( tradition accuracy ) and others can be investigated.

Example sentence

The English sentence

Sees as KWIC index as follows:

KWOC Index

When KWOC - in the index in a separate column in front of the indexed phrase is displayed.
