Keyword density

The search word or keyword density ( by English keyword density) describes how often a phrase ( search term ) occurs in a document. It is the quotient of the absolute number of a specific term ( word or combination of words ) and the number of all terms in the document.

In the search engine optimization is attempted, the keyword density of web pages adjust so that a high placement is achieved on the result pages of search engines.

Influence on the search engine ranking

The evaluation of a website for an input in a query keyword is performed by the so-called ranking algorithm of a search engine. A multitude of factors are taken into account, which include the keyword density can count.


  • In a Web page that contains a total of ten different words reached every word a keyword density of 10 %.
  • When a web page with also 10 words, consisting of nine different words, eight of which one occurs once and twice, the repeated word has a keyword density of 20 %.