Kharaba Bridge

32.55109336.433285Koordinaten: 32 ° 33 ' 3.9 "N, 36 ° 25' 59.8 " E


Wadi Zeidi

The Bridge of Kharaba is a Roman road bridge in Syria near the ancient city of Bosra (now Bosra ash- Sham ).

Located in the old cultural landscape of the Hauran construction crossing 3.5 km northwest of the town of Wadi Zeidi, an inlet of the Yarmuk. The span of the three arches in each case is 3.8 m, the height to the springing line 2.5 m and 2.4 m pillar of strength; The bridge width measures 4.52 m. There is a small, square water passage, which is supported by a pillar, including capital on the eastern bridge driveway. Vault and Exterior cladding of the present in a fairly good state of preservation bridge consist of predominantly black - greenish basalt blocks.

In the closer vicinity at least two other Roman bridges over the Wadi Zeidi received: the bridge of Djemerrin and in At- Tayyibeh.
