Kiev Missal

The Kyiv leaves are one in Slavic Glagolitic Glagolitic script and wrote, partially surviving manuscript and consist of seven parchment leaves as well as from three pre-and Nachsatzblättern and a library bound in morocco leather. They are named according to their storage place in the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in Kiev. Its content consists of 38 prayers that have been translated from the Latin.

They are considered the earliest surviving document of Slavonic Literature and the highlight of the Glagolitic literacy. The history of Kievan leaves can not be restored completely. They were probably built between the 10th and 12th centuries. There are researchers who Cyril of Thessaloniki (* 826/827, † 869 ), the creators of the Glagolitic script, hold for their owners. Due to certain errors in the text, however, is rather assumed that it may be only a copy and not an original of Cyril or Methodius. The language style of music is described as archaic and regularly, which thus perhaps indicating in connection with the equally ancient Glagolitic letters on an old age and a copy of the 10th century that could have made ​​a Moravian students Methods of a whose templates. The language of Kievan leaves is much, interpreted as the Pannonian principality in spoken and later extinct, Moosburg Slavic dialect.
