Kingdom of Mrauk U

The kingdom of Arakan is a lost empire in Southeast Asia in the area of present-day Myanmar.


Arakan formed an independent kingdom, who ruled several times on Ava and even parts of Bengal whose princes. Since 1690 shattered throne disputes and long-standing anarchy the land until it was conquered in 1784 by the army of the sixth king of the Konbaung dynasty Bodawpaya. The Burmese had so cruelly among the inhabitants, called Magh that these fled in large numbers across the border, where they were well received by the English. This eventually led to the war, which brought Arakan by the Treaty of Yandaboo between the British East India Company and the King of Ava ( Bagyidaw ) on February 24, 1826 British protection. The area was integrated into British India.

Today Arakan is the Rakhine State.
