Kingston–Port Ewen Suspension Bridge

41.916146021111 - 73.984090089722Koordinaten: 41 ° 54 ' 58.1 "N, 73 ° 59' 2.7 " W


Rondout Creek

The Kingston- Port Ewen Suspension Bridge (also Roundout Creek Bridge, Old Bridge or Wurts Street Bridge ) is a two-lane road bridge that crosses the Wurts Street in Kingston, NY, on the Rondout Creek in located on the south shore town of Port Ewen.

The total of 349 m long suspension bridge has a span of 215 m and crosses the Roundout Creek in 26 m height. The bridge is now over 5 tons ( about 4.5 t) limited, the main traffic load is supported by a modern, four-lane concrete bridge about 200 m downstream. Both bridges cross the Roundout Creek just before its confluence with the Hudson River.

The construction of the planned Holton D. Robinson and John A. Roebling 's Sons Company bridge began in 1916, but was interrupted due to local political and financial problems as well as the shortage of materials due to the entry into the war the United States until 1920. After the resumption of the work, in which David B. Steinman was involved as Assistant Engineer, it took about a year until the opening of the bridge on November 2, 1921. Thus became the first north-south highway in the state of New York along the Hudson Rivers completed.
