
66.160528.716667Koordinaten: 66 ° 9 ' 38 "N, 28 ° 43' 0" E

Kitkajärvi is a system of lakes in eastern Finland. It is located in the municipalities of Kuusamo and Posio. It consists of the two lakes Yli- Kitka ( "Upper Kitka " ) and Ala- Kitka ( " Lower Kitka " ), which are connected to each other via the Sound Kilkilösalmi. The lake system has a total water area of ​​285.81 km ². It lies at an altitude of 240.4 m. On the north bank of the Ala- Kitka the Kitkajoki drains the lake system. Kitkajärvi belongs to the catchment area of ​​the Kowda, which flows into the White Sea.
