Kiyú – Ordeig

Kiyu - Ordeig on the map of Uruguay

Kiyu - Ordeig is a village in Uruguay.

Geography and location

Kiyu - Ordeig is located on the territory of the department of San José in its sector 6 on the coast of the Río de la Plata. Nearest settlement is Libertad in the north east. On the eastern edge of the village lies the mouth of the Arroyo Mauricio, while a few miles west of the de los end ceibos and the Arroyo San Gregorio its course in the Río de la Plata. The up to 50 meters high, a cliff -forming cliffs characterize the surroundings of the village, which has a distance of around 70 kilometers to the capital Montevideo. Caused partly by human hands with Boder erosion on site presents a problem in the crisscrossed by gullies, mi a fragile geological composition aufwartenden landscape dar.


The name comes from the kiyu Guaraní language and means Grille. Here there were settlements of the indigenous natives of Uruguay. Kiyu is also in one of the most important archaeological regions of the country. So there a pottery and wood workshop of indigenous origin was exposed in October 2002 in the previous month began under the direction of archaeologist Laura Beovide excavations whose age is dated to around 2500 years and is not associated with previously known indigenous tribes. Various finds such as arrowheads, mortars and ceramic remains have been found here in a soil depth of 25 cm and one meter. In the recent history of the place, the area belonged to a livestock dedicated Estancia, which initially owned by Juan María Pérez 'stand and then by way of an inheritance to the family Ordeig whose name now forms the second part of the name of the place, went over. 1955, the lands were acquired by the Banco Industrial y Comercial San José. As a result, Julio César Moreno, Julio Mario Altieri and Urdagaría were tasked to make a first parcelling here. Two years later, the sale of building sites, of which one, the Colombian Luz Marina Zuluaga won Miss Universe in 1959 took over the inauguration of the resort began.



Kiyu whose center identifies an area of ​​approximately seven kilometers, is situated in an agricultural zone, dominated in the lemons and potatoes. Tourism also plays a significant role for the pool, where recently increased construction activity is recorded. The tourist infrastructure comes up with the campgrounds Las Acasias, El Grillo and urban camping area, and there is a variety of dining options.


The place is both a connection to the approximately 15 kilometers running, now double track Ruta 1 at the height of their 52 points and 61 kilometers distance. The yet to be fully paved and provided with street lighting Street Kiyús is currently being expanded in this regard.


The population of kiyu - Ordeig is 423 (as of 2011), of which 223 male and 200 female.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay
