Kjartan Fløgstad

Kjartan Fløgstad ( born June 7, 1944 in Sauda, ​​Ryfylke, Rogaland ) is a Norwegian writer, 1978 for his novel Dalen Portland awarded the literature prize by the Nordic Council and a well-known representative of magical realism in Norwegian literature.


After schooling Fløgstad studied literature and linguistics at the University of Bergen, and worked for some time as a worker in industry as well as a sailor. In 1968 he made ​​his debut as a poet with the poetry Valfart.

His first novel, The hemme put cheering he published in 1970 and then in 1972 an autobiographical collection of short stories under the title catch pen, with which he encouraged sailors and shift workers in heavy industry, to express themselves in their own language, and on the other, revealed his own Marxist attitude. In addition, he wrote in the 1970s, two detective novels under the pseudonyms Villum K. and K. Villun with the titles doden ikke brighter ( 1975) and One for All (1976).

Fløgstad got his big breakthrough in 1977 with the novel Dalen Portland, which was awarded the 1978 Literature Prize of the Nordic Council. Then appeared with Fyr og flamme (1980 ), for which he was awarded the 1980 Critics pinches, and Det 7 climate (1986), two other well-known novels. In 1997 he was awarded the Doblougpreis. In addition to novels, he also wrote a biography of the writer Claes Gill.

In his major works, he demonstrated an understanding of sociology associated with the realistic precision. His books show the economic and social changes of Norway from an agrarian culture to an industrial culture to a post-industrial society. His writing style is always characteristic with many puns, allusions to other texts or films and a mix of sociolects.

Last published in 2009, the historical novel Grense Jakobselv.

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Among his other well-known publications

  • U 3 [ three] or fly to the angels ( original title U tre, ISBN 3-356-00068-3, 1988)
  • Kron above mynt (1998)
  • Loven vest for Pecos: og andre essays om populaerkunst og industrial culture (ISBN 82-05-27524-6, 2000)
  • Sudamericana: latinamerikanske reiser (ISBN 82-05-27768-0, 2001)
  • Fimbul (ISBN 82-05-27767-2, 2001)
  • Portrett av eit Magisk liv, poets Claes Gill ( 2003)
  • Grand Manila ( 2006)