Klaus Schrodt

Klaus Schrodt ( born September 14, 1946 in Dieburg ) is a successful German aerobatic pilot.

In 2001 he was Freestyle World Aerobatic Champion to his titles also include the FAI World Cup Aerobatic in 2002, the five-time winning the German championship and the two-time winning the European Championship in 2002 and 2004. Also in 2005 he was back world champion in freestyle and finished fourth at the Red Bull Air Race Series.

Main job was Klaus Schrodt captain at Deutsche Lufthansa. In 2002, he retired at the age of 56 years from active service and was for a time as bush pilot in Africa, where he flew a Douglas DC- 3 for a diamond company. He is currently working for DaimlerChrysler as a freelancer pilot and otherwise focused on his career as an aerobatic pilot. Early in his career he flew aerobatics a bright red Pitts S2a, an open two-seater biplane. Meanwhile, Klaus Schrodt familiar to the constructions of the former art Airman Walter Extra. So he flew, among others, various variants of the Extra 230, Extra 300 and Extra 330

On 7 December 2005, the Silver Laurel Leaf was awarded Klaus Schrodt by the Federal Minister of the Interior.
