Klaus Winter

Klaus Winter (* May 29, 1936 in Essen, † 10 October 2000) was a German lawyer and from 1989 until his death, a judge at the Federal Constitutional Court.

Winter studied law at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt (Main), graduating in 1961 with the First Legal State Exam. After completing his legal training with the Second State Exam in 1965 Winter joined the judicial service of the State of Hesse and worked as a judge in civil and criminal divisions of the District Court of Wiesbaden. Following his appointment as Judge at the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main in 1979 Winter worked in a Family Division of the Court.

In 1982, Winter was appointed a judge of the Federal Court and was there in IX. Civil Senate operates. He dealt with there, among other proceedings under the Federal Compensation Act, foreclosure law, surety law and the liability of lawyers and notaries.

Winter 1989 was elected Judge of the Federal Constitutional Court, whose second Senate he served until his death. Within the Senate, his main task was in the range of criminal and criminal procedure. Predecessor was at his post Ernst carrier, his successor Rudolf Mellinghoff.
