
The Komalah, also Komala ( German: society or the community, full name of the organization Komalay Shorishgêrî Zahmetkêshanî Kurdistan in Iran, Revolutionary Organization of the working people of Iranian Kurdistan ) is a Kurdish Marxist-Leninist organization in the Northwest of Iran.

Komalah is next to the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran 's largest party of the Kurdish political movement in Iran. The organization was founded in 1967 from a faction of the KDP - Iran and fought since then for an autonomous Kurdish state (Kurdistan).

After twelve years of violent resistance to the rule of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Komalah hoped after the Islamic Revolution of the change of the possibility of political participation. Representatives of the Komala negotiated with Ayatollah Khomeini on a political cooperation. Khomeini, however, was not prepared to co-operation and instead had many members of the Komala arrested and executed. Since then, the Komalah leads the armed struggle against the Islamic Republic.

1982/83 joined the Komalah with other left-wing groups to the Communist Party of Iran ( CPI ) (not to be confused with the Tudeh Party ) together. The name Komalah was further used for the party structures of the new party in Iranian Kurdistan.

In 2000 the party split, a majority of operating under the old name as an independent organization (abbreviated Komala ) with Abdullah Mohtadi as Secretary-General, a minority remained under the name Sazman -e Kordestan -e Hezb -e Komunist -e Iran - Komalah ( Kurdistan organization of the Communist Party of Iran - Komalah ) in the party. Both organizations have bases in northern Iraq.
