Konstantin von Kaufman

Konstantin Petrovich von Kaufmann (Russian Константин Петрович ( фон ) Кауфман; * 19 Februarjul / March 3 1818greg in Maidany at Dęblin, .. .. † 4 Maijul / May 16 1882greg in Tashkent) was a general of the Russian army.

After graduating from the Military engineering university in Saint Petersburg in 1839, he served from 1844 in the Caucasus. In the Crimean War in 1855 he was involved in the siege and capture of Kars. 1864 was promoted to Adjutant General Kaufmann, 1865 Governor General of the North West Region ( Северо - Западный край ) and military governor of Vilnius and 1867 the military governor of Turkestan appointed.

As commander in chief of the Russian troops of the Turkestan Military District, he led the fighting against the Emirate of Bukhara ( conquest of Samarkand 1868) and the Khanate of Khiva ( occupation of Khiva 1873). Kaufmann signed contracts with the Khan of Khiva and the Emir of Bukhara, which brought in de facto control of the area around the Amu Darya Russia. As he was in 1874 appointed General of the engineer troops.

In the years 1874-76 the uprising in Kokand Khanate ( taking Kokand 1875) was a businessman from command defeated and whose territory is connected as part of the new Fergana Oblast of the Russian Empire. The entire Russian acquisitions in Central Asia were united in a General Turkestan, at its head merchant. In the meantime also the Kuldschagebiet (now Yining Yining or part of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region ) was taken under it, which, however, had to be returned to China in 1881.

Konstantin Petrovich von Kaufmann died on 4.jul. / May 16 1882greg. in Tashkent.

From 1871 to 1928 was called to Constantinople by Kaufmann later known as Lenin Peak known highest peak of the Trans - Alai range in the Pamir Pik merchant, merchant - top.
