Krisztián Ungváry

Krisztián Ungváry [ Kristia ː n ː ri uŋɡva ] (born 1969 in Budapest, Hungary) is a Hungarian historian and is considered one of the most famous contemporary historian of the country.

Life and work

Ungváry is the son of writer, journalist and former dissident Rudolf Ungváry and his wife Éva Monspart and grew up with his two sisters in Budapest. During his school and studies he won several awards for his scientific historical performance. In 1993, he spent the winter semester by a DAAD scholarship in Freiburg im Breisgau, where he was while studying also dedicated himself to exploring the Freiburg Military Archives.

Ostroma (Eng. The Battle for Budapest) was to find his 1998 published book Budapest in Hungary on several bestseller lists. The translations into English and German were very well received abroad. In Germany he is mainly known publicly in connection with the Wehrmacht exhibition, to which he has been critical in several publications.

Ungvárys primary interest is in the political and military history of the 20th century. What interests him above all people's relationship to their own history. Hence also his interest in the history of the uniforms and the faleristics ( Order customer). He is a collector myself and a member of the relevant associations.


Ungváry has excellent knowledge of German and can also refer to English and knowledge of Latin.

In addition to the story, he is also interested in wine making, is itself recognized winemakers and wine testers. He owns a two -hectare vineyard in Tokaj wine region in Olaszliszka. In 1998 he won a regional award.


  • Europe has a double past: the West has experienced only a part of the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century. Unfortunately, Western intellectuals have more authority to interpret the story and sometimes to show little sensitivity to the victims of communism. A Democrat would but keep the same distance to all dictatorships. The attempts to create a European remembrance, without regard for the interests of eastern Europeans, I feel as mental colonization.


  • The Battle of Budapest. Herbig, Munich 1999, ISBN 3-776-62120-6. Hungarian Original Issue: Ostroma Budapest, Budapest, 1998.
  • A magyar HONVÉDSÉG a második világháborúban. Budapest 2004.