Kuprian Kirkizh

Kuprijan Ossipowitsch Kirkisch (Russian Куприян Осипович Киркиж; usb Kupriyan Osipovich Kirkizh; . * 17 Septemberjul / September 29 1888greg in Smoljanka in Vitebsk, .. † May 24, 1932 ;) was a Russian- Soviet politician and the General Secretary of the Communist second Party of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic ..


Kuprijan Kirkisch in 1888 in the village Smoljanka in Wizebskaja Woblasz, in present-day Belarus, born, where he later worked in a nearby paper mill. He eventually moved to Riga, where he also worked in a factory. In 1910 he became a member of the Social Democratic Workers' Party of Russia, which later became the Communist Party was born. During the First World War, he took a management position in Kharkov. There he became involved in the party and quickly rose to the head of a provincial committee.

In 1917 he participated in the October Revolution and continued to rise to in the party hierarchy. From 1925 he was a member of the Central Committee. From 1927 to 1929 he was finally General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Uzbek SSR. In 1929, he was succeeded in this office by Nikolai Gikalo.

On May 24, 1932 Kirkisch died in a car accident. He was buried in the necropolis in Moscow near the Kremlin wall. In Kovrov today is named after him a road. Kirkisch was a carrier of the Rotbannerordens.
