Kwakum language

Spoken in

  • Niger - Congo languages Benue - Congo languages Bantoide languages Bantu languages Kwakum



Kwakum (also Abakoum, Abakum, Akpwakum, Vechta, Kpakum and Pakum ) is a Bantu language and is spoken by about 10,000 people in Cameroon.

It is in the districts of Haut- Nyong and Lom -et- Djerem widespread in the province Est.


Kwakum is a Northwest Bantu language and forms with the languages ​​and Kako Kako pole, the group that is classified as Guthrie Zone A90.

She has the dialects Kwakum, praying (also Bethen and PeteM ), Til and Baki (also Mbaki ).
