
39.38433333333373.3225Koordinaten: 39 ° 23 ' N, 73 ° 19' O

It is located on the border between the Central Asian republics Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in the north to the south and connects the Kyrgyz province ( oblast) of Osh with the autonomous province of Gorno-Badakhshan in the far eastern Tajikistan. The pass between these sparsely populated areas is driven on only little.

The pass is about 50 km south of the Kyrgyz local Sarytasch, the 1932 completed section of the Pamir Highway from Osh in the Fergana Valley of Kyrgyzstan according Chorugh in Tajikistan. Experience living north from the picturesque, between the Alai Mountains and the Pamir Transalai chain of the upper reaches of Kysylsu, wide Alai valley Coming of the climb to the pass is quite flat. On the south side down into the Hochgebirgswüstental Markansu the route, however, is relatively steep.
