La Barra

La Barra on the map of Uruguay

La Barra is a village in Uruguay.


It is located in the area of ​​Maldonado Department in its sector 6 La Barra is located south of El Tesoro on the Atlantic coast at the mouth of the Arroyo Maldonado there. Beyond the mouth is located west of San Rafael - El Placer, while in the east Laguna Blanca is adjacent to and in about one kilometer El Chorro is located.


Landmark of La Barra is the curved bridge over the Arroyo Maldonado. La Barra is located on the Ruta 10 The place is also on the bus Maldonado - connected and is served several times a day in public transport - Faro José Ignacio ( Línea 14 CODESA ).


La Barra had 2011 339 inhabitants, of which 159 are male and 180 female in the census.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay
