La Ferté Abbey

Daughter monasteries

Monastery Tiglieto Monastery Lucedio Monastery Maizières Monastery Barona Sergius Monastery Sanctus

The Cistercian monastery of La Ferté ( Firmitas ) is one of the primary monasteries of the Cistercian Order. The abbey was located in La Ferte- sur -Grosne, municipality of Saint - Ambreuil, in the department of Saône -et -Loire in France.


The monastery was founded in 1113 as the first daughter house of the monastery of Citeaux, is next to the monasteries Pontigny ( 1114 ), Clairvaux ( 1115 ) and Mori Moon ( 1115 ) to the four primary abbeys (foundation year in parentheses) of the Cistercian order, ie those monasteries which were founded by the original Cistercian monastery, the monastery of Citeaux, the first daughter monasteries. The monastery was fortified in 1415. 1562 and 1567 it was looted, set in 1570 by Protestant troops of Gaspard de Coligny on fire. 1680 was the monastery in ruins. Then it was extensively rebuilt in the style of the time. However, there was a widespread destruction in the train of the French Revolution, which also meant the end of the monastery.

Buildings and plant

Get that is located on a small hill representative abbot's house with a two-story, tri-part central, four-axle wings with gambrel roof, two-axle and corner buildings. In it's original monastic refectory is obtained.

Daughter -ups

From La Ferté itself went from 16 subsidiaries were founded, namely five as a direct subsidiaries:

  • Monastery in France Maizières with the daughter monastery Sturzelbronn
  • Italian monastery Tiglieto ( with the daughter monasteries monastery and convent Staffarda Casanova ( Piedmont) )
  • Monastery Lucedio ( with the daughters monastery Rivalta Scrivia, Chortaiton monastery in Greece and Monastery of St. George of Jubin at Antioch ),
  • Monastery Barona and
  • Sergius Monastery Sanctus in Lebanon ( Diocese of Byblos )