Laci Boldemann

Laci Boldemann ( born April 24, 1921 in Helsinki, † August 18, 1969 in Munich) was a composer of German descent, who lived a long time in Sweden.


Laci Boldemann studied composition and piano at the Royal Academy of Music in London (among others at Henry Wood ) and took piano lessons from Gunnar de Frumerie in Sweden. In 1942 he was forced to join the German army. He served in Russia, Poland and Italy before his desertion to the partisans in Abruzzo. After spending more than two years in an American prison camp, he returned to Lübeck and learned in April 1946 to know his future wife Karin. In 1947, the two moved to Sweden, where he later worked as a music teacher. He composed scenic overtures, lyric song cycles and operas fairytale.

Laci Boldemanns parents were Holger and Maija Boldemann, born Järnefelt. Their father Arvid Järnefelt was a brother of Jean Sibelius, married Aino Sibelius, born Järnefelt.
