Laetitia Chapeh

Laetitia Chapeh Yimga ( born April 7, 1987 in Douala ) is a äquatorialguineisch - kamerunesische soccer player.


Yimga started her professional career in 2005 with the Eleven Sisters de Bamenda. After four years in Bamenda, she left the club in the summer of 2009 and signed with FC Lorema Yaoundé, where they casually studied at the Université de Yaoundé. In spring 2011, she left and went to the Master Cameroon Equatorial Guinea Estrella de Ewaiso Ipola de Malabo.

After she was able to convince their three missions in the framework of women's football World Cup in Germany, Yimga changed in July 2011 in the Polish league for the first FC Katowice. After a season at the 1 FC Katowice, she moved in June 2012 to Playoff Final rivals KKPK Medyk Konin.


Yimga was since 2006 part of the Cameroonian national football team of women and changed before the football World Cup in Germany for the 2011 Women in Equatorial Guinea Football Federation. She participated in the final tournament in Germany for Equatorial Guinea in part, but failed with her team in the first round.
