Lagoon Mirim

The Laguna Merín ( in Portuguese: Lagoa Mirim ) is a vast lake, with an area of 3750 km ², which is on the border between Brazil and Uruguay. Your name is derived from the word Miri from the Tupi- Guaraní, the "small" means. Uruguay has some resorts on the shores of the lagoon, which have sandy beaches and shallow waters.

The river -like São Gonçalo Canal connects the lake with the even larger lagoon Lagoa dos Patos. Another part of the lake shore is characterized by extensive wetlands, under which the Bañado de Taim is sticking out, which has been declared by UNESCO a World Heritage Site.

The catchment area of the lake extends over both countries and their economy is based on cattle breeding. Nevertheless, the cultivation of rice is very important, by taking advantage of the favorable conditions for the development of this crop. Tourism is also an important source of income.

The main tributaries of the territory of Uruguay are the Cebollatí and Tacuarí and, on the border of both countries, the Yaguarón ( in Portuguese: Jaguarão ).

On July 7, 1977 ( in German: the Treaty on the basin of the Merín Lagoon ) in Brasília the Tratado de la Cuenca de la Laguna Merín signed. Comisión Mixta Uruguayan - para el Desarrollo de la Brasileña Cuenca de la Laguna Merín (CLM ) ( in German: The mixed Uruguayan -Brazilian Commission for the development of the basin of Laguna Merín ) is an organ that is responsible for monitoring compliance with the agreement. The CLM has a seat in the department Treinta y Tres and another in Porto Alegre.
