Lake Pedder Action Committee

The Lake Pedder Action Committee, which was also called Lake Pedder Action Group, was a Tasmanian environmental organization that began in the early 1970s to the establishment of the Lake Pedder Dam by the Government of Tasmania.

The government of Tasmania had the State Hydro-Electric Commission tasked to flood Lake Pedder in southwest Tasmania. The dam was built despite protests. For this protest a strong environmental movement was born in Tasmania and elsewhere in Australia. From this protest movement as well as the United Tasmania Group, the first Green Party in the world emerged as the forerunner of today's Tasmanian Greens. Furthermore, the now active throughout Australia Tasmanian Wilderness Society was founded, which was instrumental in helping to prevent the construction of the Franklin Dam in Tasmania in the early 1980s.

Beginning of the 1990s, an action committee founded new Lake Pedder Restoration Committee as ( LPRC ). This committee has set itself the goal that the Lake Pedder is produced in its original form.
