
52.21666666666727.1Koordinaten: 52 ° 13 ' N, 27 ° 6' O

Lachwa (White Russian Лахва, Russian Лахва, Polish Łachwa, Hebrew לחווא, Yiddish. לאַכווע ) is a village in Rajon Luninets in the Republic of Belarus in the Breszkaja Woblasz with approximately 2,100 inhabitants. The village is situated in the south of the country in the region Polesia east of the city of Pinsk.

Collection camp Lachwa

The 1941 used until 1945 as SS - collection camp with the code name Lachwa ghetto area was on September 3, 1942 Place of probably the first massive resistance of the captured Jewish population against her murder. The end of the war saw 90 of the rebellion of Lachwa involved.
