
The Land League was founded in 1919 as the German Peasants' Party and was a political party of the liberal or Protestant peasants of Styria, Carinthia and Upper Austria.

She went for the " connection" to the German Reich and confessed his anti-Marxism and stalls thoughts, but refused the Home Guard. 1927-1933 it belonged to the government and presented the Vice-Chancellor or Home Secretary. In 1930 she formed the Greater German People's Party, the choice community "National economic bloc " (after the list leader Johann Schober also called " Schober block " ), which was dissolved in 1934 as part of the establishment of the Austro-fascism. Although in the formation of the provisional government in 1945, a seat was provided for the Land League, the party took place in the Second Republic no longer continued. The former Land League leaders entered the newly founded Austrian People's Party.
