Laney Amplification

Laney is a British manufacturer of Gitarren-/Bassverstärkern, boxing and PA systems and is one of the known quantities in this area.


Laney was officially founded on September 1, 1967 by Lyndon Laney, who had decided to build amplifiers for friends. Among his first clients included guitarists from around Birmingham as Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath, which products from Laney used to this day. Many of the first amplifier are still in use today.

In the late 1960s and early 70s Laney offered a small but specialized range of amplifiers. Of particular interest was the LA100BL, a pure tube amp of a heavy metal sound lastigeren as products of the competition had at the time. The claim to have more gain in anyway natural tube sound, Laney coined production in the 80s. The product line AOR (short for Advanced Overdrive Response) had an additional stage of gain before the preamplifier; other companies such as Marshall Amplification offered this forth at the time of not working.

The product range of Laney now ranges from small transistor amplifiers to 100 watt tube amp. On the 40th anniversary of the company in 2007, a new guitar amplifier series called Lionheart and a bass amplifier series called Nexus were presented. Both systems are based on tube technology.


Known users of Laney products include Paul Gilbert ( Racer X, Mr. Big ) and Opeth and Joel Stroetzel Killswitch Engage. So far, Tony Iommi, however, the only endorser with a signature model, which took about two years of development time.
