
Langrisser (Japaneseラングリッサー, Rangurissā ) is the name of a series of strategy role-playing games that have been developed since the early 1990s by Career Soft on behalf of Nippon Computer Systems. The games appeared on various game consoles, and have often been ported, which often brought content and graphic enhancements with it. Overall, the series includes five different games, and two more, although they have the same name but have a different meaning, and come from a different development team, which is why they are usually not included in series.

The series is set in a fantasy world in which the concept of two opposing gods and their struggle with each other determines life. This is mostly carried out by the two avatars, Bosel and Jessica, which also are carriers of the respective god sword, which have the power of their deities. Bosel has been blessed with Alhazard, and Jessica wears the eponymous series for the sword Langrisser. By the choice of their followers and the loan of awarding their swords they determine the history of their world.

The games are typical representatives of their genre. We consider the action of a bird's eye view in which the story is advanced by chapter. The main difference to other games of this kind is here that the units which is carried along with the heroes predetermined by the game in the battle, are not fixed but can be recruited by the player. Here comes a simple rock-scissors- paper concept to use, what the strengths and weaknesses of certain types of troops compared to other sets. Through the free recruitment of troops and a stronger separation between hero and unit fighting in comparison to other genre representatives much more extensive and participating with more figures are provided. There is also a simple possibility for development in the acquisition of experience, each with several possible paths of the characters. From the second game, there are choices in the plot development, offering certain non-linearity. Also only in some games in the series appeared on the character development through attitude questions in which the answers given by the player create the main hero.


  • Langrisser (1991, Mega Drive) Appeared in the U.S. under the title " Warsong ". Together with Part II as " Langrisser I & II" for the PlayStation as well as " Langrisser: Dramatic Edition " was released for the Sega Saturn.
  • Langrisser II (1994, Mega Drive) A revised version appeared in 1995 as " The Langrisser " also for the SNES, as well as " The Langrisser FX" for the PC- FX system.
  • Langrisser III (1996, Sega Saturn) 2005, a remake was released for the PlayStation 2
  • Langrisser IV (1997, Sega Saturn) Appeared to Part V as " Langrisser IV & V Final Edition" for the PlayStation.
  • Langrisser V: The End of Legend (1998, Sega Saturn)
  • Langrisser Millennium (1999, Dreamcast )
  • Langrisser Millennium WS: The Last Century (2000, WonderSwan )

Up to the first part, which was marketed in the U.S. as " Warsong ", none of the parts appeared outside Japan.
