Laodice V

Laodice († 150 BC) was a daughter of Seleucus IV Seleukidenherrschers and its also called Laodice wife and sister of Demetrius I Soter. Seleucus IV married his daughter Laodice 178 BC Perseus, the last king of Macedon. Thither they brought the Rhodians with magnificent ships to the wedding. But Eumenes II of Pergamum asked this marriage and the appropriate conduct of the Rhodians to the Senate as an anti- Rome represents action (172 BC). After the death of her husband Laodike expected to have fallen to their homeland. Ariarathes V of Cappadocia declined by 160 BC the offer of Demetrius I Soter, Laodice to marry with him. Possibly married Demetrius I now even his sister. Anyway, he had pictures of his and Laodice head shape on coins, also on those of the vanquished by him Timarchos. When Demetrius I had died, whose confidante, also Laodice, have been killed by the Regent of Ammonius to be the new king free hand in the rule.
