Laotian langur

The Southern langur or Laos langur ( Trachypithecus laotum ) is a primate of the group of monkeys Slim ( Presbytini ). He heard within the Haubenlanguren to francoisi group, a group of primarily black -colored, mainly living on the Indochinese peninsula langurs. The Hatinh langur is sometimes included as subspecies of the Southern Schwarzlangurs.

The fur of these primates is predominantly black in color, on the forehead extends a wide, white stripes. Even around the mouth and on the throat and in the area between the mouth and the ears may be present bright hair. Like all Haubenlanguren they are slim primates with long tails.

The Southern langur is endemic in Laos, where he lives in the central parts of the country. Habitat of the species are forests. Little is known about the way of life. These animals are diurnal and arboreal and move predominantly quadrupedal continued. They live in harems of one male, one or more females and young animals. They are herbivores that primarily feed on leaves.

Even on the level of risk, little is known. The IUCN lists the species under "too little data available " ( data deficient ).
