Lautenbach (Linzer Aach)


The Lautenbach is an approximately one kilometer- long creek on the boundaries of the districts Sohl and named after him in the town of Lautenbach Herdwangen- Schoenach. It rises to 641 meters. ü. Sea level in the western part of Sohl and flows in a westerly direction to the adjacent Lautenbach, he passes under verdolt.

South of Lautenbach in a pond he steps back to the fore and turns south to the Valley of the Linzer Aach. On a field he disappears in a Verdolung and comes to its mouth to 571 m. ü. NN no longer revealed.


  • Landesvermessungsamt Baden- Württemberg: Leisure Card Bad Saulgau, Bad Buchau, Federseemuseum. 1:50.000
  • Rhine river system
  • River in Europe
  • River in Baden- Württemberg
  • Waters in the district of Sigmaringen
  • Herdwangen- Schoenach