Lazăr Comănescu

Comanescu ( born June 4, 1949 in Horezu, Circle Vâlcea ) is a Romanian diplomat and was dated 15 April 2008 to December 22, 2008 Foreign Minister of the country.

In the years 1967-1972 Comănescu studied foreign trade at the University of Economics in Bucharest and then entered the diplomatic service. In 1982 he moved as a lecturer at the University of Economics, Bucharest, where he received his doctorate in 1983 with a focus on international economic relations.

1990 Comănescu returned to the Foreign Ministry, where he first held the post of a consultant. In 1994 he became director of the European Department and Secretary of State in 1995. From 1998 to 2001 he was a Romanian Ambassador to NATO and the connection to 2008 Ambassador to the European Union.

Comănescu is married and has one daughter. He speaks French, English, Spanish and German.

Since May 2009 he has been Ambassador of Romania in Germany.
