Lazuli Bunting

Lazulifink ( Passerina amoena )

The Lazulifink ( Passerina amoena ) is a North American songbird of the family of cardinals. The name evokes the shiny blue gemstone lapis lazuli.


The 14 -cm male is easily recognized by the light blue head and back, the cinnamon-colored breast, white belly and a white wing binding. The female is brown in color, with lighter underside and has two white wing-bars.


The Lazulifink breeds west of the 100th meridian from southern Canada to northern Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Southern California and Baja California He wintered in Arizona and Mexico. He lives in the bush, in meadows with weeds and sometimes in cities.


The bird is looking on the ground or in bushes for seeds and insects. The male spends much time on a tree top to sing and thus to defend his territory.


4 pale blue eggs are laid - In a cup nest in the bushes 3 are. In the area of the Great Plains, he is paired with the Indigo Fink.
