
Lecythis chartacea, Illustration

The name Paradise nut or sapucaia nut is used for a number of species of the genus Lecythis that occur in northern South America. The monograph by Mori and Prance describes 26 Lecythis species, together with the Brazil nut ( Bertholletia excelsa, the only species of the genus bertholletia ) and eight other genera forms the neotropical subfamily of Lecythidioideae in the family of pot fruit tree crops ( Lecythidaceae ).


These trees can reach heights of growth over 40 meters, with the straight, branch-free trunk can be around 20 meters with a diameter of up to two meters. Most of the trunk diameter is not quite uniform. The heartwood is light to bright salmon color, the sapwood creamy- yellow. It has no special smell or taste. The change-constant leaves are simple and stalked.

The fruits of Lecythis species vary greatly in size but are similar in their construction. Make odd-shaped with a hinged lid jars represent (hence the botanical name " Pyxis " fruits of the Greek word for pitcher). At maturity the lid fall off and release the seeds that resemble Brazil nuts, but have thinner shells and - in some species - are much larger than this. In contrast, Brazil nut fruits are almost round and closed with a wart-like outgrowth as evolutionary memory of the original opening. They fall when ripe with the seeds inside completely from the tree.

Lecythis seeds are very rich in oil (up 75%) and to a better taste than Brazil nuts.


The following species belong to the genus Lecythis (selection):

  • Lecythis chartacea O. Berg; it is native to South America
  • Lecythis corrugata Poit. ; it is native to South America
  • Lecythis ibiriba ( Miers ) NPSM, Samori & AVPopovkin ( Syn: Chytroma ibiriba Miers ). it occurs in Brazil
  • Lecythis lanceolata Poir. ; it occurs only in Brazil
  • Lecythis minor Jacq.; it occurs only in Venezuela and Colombia
  • Lecythis ollaria L.; it occurs only in Venezuela
  • Lecythis Pisonis Cambess. ; it is found only in Brazil and Peru
  • Lecythis tuyrana Pittier; it occurs only in Panama, Colombia and Ecuador
  • Lecythis zabucajo Aubl. ; it occurs only in northern South America, in Brazil and Ecuador.


The cultivation of Lecythis species was often recommended, but was rarely successful, mainly to protect the nuts against animal predators because of the difficulty.

In addition, the wood for sleepers, ship keels and floors will be used.

Currently mainly Lecythis Pisonis and Lecythis zabucajo be used economically.

Selenium accumulation

Many, if not all Lecythis species share an interesting property with the Brazil nut. They are so-called selenium batteries, i.e., they absorb the sulfur- selenium -like element from the ground and collect it in the seed. You can reach all relevant soils surprisingly high concentrations of selenium, which is why a profuse consumption of nuts can lead to selenium poisoning. On the other hand, paradise nuts can be used after processing as a dietary selenium source, because selenium is in the right quantity is an important trace element that is essential to human and animal health.
