
Leg yield (german leg yielding, French cession à la jambe ) belongs to the solved and straightening lessons and sensitizes the horse for the sideways driving aids. It is a forward - sideways movement, but is not part of the actual page transitions for which there next to the forehand and the shoulder- represents a preliminary exercise.


The leg yield can be done on a diagonal through the web as in the picture, but also on the boards with a secondment of 30-45 °, in the latter case, either the head or the gang head into the web. A minor is made in the neck to the side of the forward - sideways driving leg; a longitudinal bending remains off. This and the lack of assembly are the key difference to the side gears mentioned above.

The inner leg slightly behind the girth and drives the horse forward, sideways, the outer leg is verwahrend behind the belt, so that the horse with the hind legs around occurs not too far, and is also responsible for forward movement. The inside rein gives the horse the position that makes the outer position, but also prevents excessive secondment and bending of the neck as well as the precipitation over his shoulder. The inner feet of the horse cross in front of the outer. The largest error is too great a redress of the gang, " as the horse otherwise only sideways and not forward - sideways passes, clock makes mistakes and can possibly injure the legs ."
