Lentinus strigosus

Bristly Knäueling ( Lentinus strigosus )

The Bristly Knäueling ( Lentinus strigosus ) is a species of fungus in the family Stielporlingsverwandten ( Polyporaceae ).


The fruiting bodies of the fungus are fan - to kidney-shaped and are often tufted, the conspicuously bristly or felted hats are 2-7 cm wide, they are colored purple-violet young and fade to reddish brown to ocher- yellow with age. The narrow, crowded lamella are in young fruit bodies yellowish-white, in older ocher and run far down on the stem. The spore powder is cream colored to ocher. The very short (1-3 cm long and 0.5-1 cm wide) stem is pale ( gray or pale ocher ) and hairy to bristly, it can also be entirely absent. The meat ( Trama ) is white and leathery. The fungus first taste Flour, later bitter and astringent.


Like all Sägeblättlinge is the Bristly Knäueling a saprophytic wood inhabitants, he settled hardwoods, in Central Europe, especially beech, oak and birch, but can also be on other hardwoods, softwoods rarely, occur. The Bristly Knäueling is a heat - and sun- loving nature, and does not occur in closed forests, they can be found in clearings, glades and on south-facing, summer warm, bright hedges and forest edges.


The species is almost cosmopolitan, it has been found in Australia, South and Southeast Asia, tropical Africa, South, Central and North America. In the Holarctic, it occurs mainly in Mediterranean-influenced areas and is rare in temperate climates. Accordingly, they can be found in Europe, especially in the south and is rarely fast to the north, in Germany it is with a focus in the south in all states available, but in some areas, very rare. Krieglsteiner argues that the Bristly Knäueling has increased in Baden- Württemberg at the end of the 20th century, much of what is attributed to a warming and urbanization of the landscape.


The Bristly Knäueling is not suitable as an edible mushroom, as wood destroyers he is economically insignificant.

