León Ferrari

León Ferrari ( born September 3, 1920 in Buenos Aires, † July 25, 2013 ) was an Argentine artist who worked in the field of concept art, collage, painting and sculpture.


Ferrari was born in 1920 as the son of an Italian immigrant family in Buenos Aires and grew up there. At the age of 34, he began to deal with ceramic art. Soon he started working with other materials, including wood and plaster. In 1961 he wrote his first abstract drawing: Ininteligible, which was part of a series that continues to this day.

León Ferrari was known to work, elements of collage, copying Art and Sculpture ( wood, plaster and ceramics) connects. The artist often used text, mostly newspaper clippings or poems. The subjects of his art can be found in the intersection of politics and religion. His most famous work of art occidental y cristiana La Civilización ( " The Western, Christian civilization " ) is a wooden figure of Christ crucified, with a U.S. bomber is the cross. The work was created in 1965 in connection with the protest against the Vietnam War and was shown at the Venice Biennale, among others 2007, together with more recent drawings and collages.

Ferrari died at the age of 92 years in his hometown of Buenos Aires and found in the cemetery of La Recoleta his final resting place.


Solo exhibitions (selection )

Participation in group exhibitions (selection)

