Leon Radzinowicz

Sir Leon Radzinowicz ( born August 15, 1906 in Łódź ( Poland today ), † 29 December 1999 Haverford, Pennsylvania) was a British criminologist Polish origin.

Radzinowicz emigrated in 1938 from Poland to the United Kingdom. It belongs next to Hermann Mannheim and Max Grünhut to the founding generation of the British Criminology and in 1959 was the first director of the Institute of Criminology at Cambridge University. In 1979 he was knighted.

Writings (selection )

  • Marvin E. Wolfgang: Crime and Justice, 1971, ISBN 9780465014682
  • Marvin E. Wolfgang: The Criminal under Restraint, 1977, ISBN 9780465014675
  • Marvin E. Wolfgang, The Criminal in Society, 1977 (compiler ), ISBN 9780465014620
  • The Cambridge Institute of Criminology: Its Background and Scope a report, 1988, ISBN 9780113408849
  • Adventures in Criminology, 1999, ISBN 9780415198752