Lepismium houlletianum

Lepismium houlletianum

Lepismium houlletianum is a species of the genus Lepismium in the cactus family ( Cactaceae ).


Lepismium houlletianum growing epiphytic and shrubby with arching stems that are richly branched and up to 2 meters or more in length. The rotating round at the base, bright green shoots segments are flattened leaf-like. They are 10 to 50 cm long and 1-5 cm wide. The deeply notched sawtooth edges are sometimes reddish. The areoles are bald.

The numbers that appear in groups funnel-shaped to almost bell-shaped, drooping, creamy white flowers do not open wide. They are up to 2 inches long. The spherical red to black fruits have diameter 5-6 mm.

Distribution, systematics and hazard

Lepismium houlletianum is in the south and east of Brazil, distributed in northeast Argentina and probably in Bolivia. The first description as rhipsalis houlletiana took place in 1858 by Charles Lemaire. Wilhelm Barthlott she put 1987 in the genus Lepismium.

There are two forms of

  • Lepismium houlletianum f houlletianum
  • Lepismium houlletianum f regnellii

Which differ in the color of the base of the stamens.

Lepismium is houlletianum in the Red List of Threatened Species IUCN as "Least Concern ( LC) ," ie, not compromised classified.

