Lesser hamster-rat

The Little Hamster Rat ( Beamys hindei ) is a nocturnal rodent that is widespread in East Africa. The name is not particularly appropriate insofar as it is more of a medium-sized representative under the hamster rats. The body length measures 13 to 18 cm, added 10 to 15 cm tail. The coat color is gray on the upper side and lower side white. As with other pouched rats has also this kind of the typical cheek pouches.

The range extends from Kenya via Tanzania and Malawi to Zambia. Its habitat is river and lake shores and marshes within forests. Here she lives in a building which is located 60 cm below the ground and is a total of up to 9 m long. The food are fruits and seeds.

The little hamster rat is a rare animal that is missing in many potential habitats and is found in scattered and isolated populations. In particular, the populations of the coastal forests have become rare due to habitat destruction.

Sometimes living near the coast little hamster rats as a separate species (B. hindei ) of the inland populations (B. major) are separated.
