Let's Impeach the President

Let's Impeach the President is a protest song written, produced and recorded by Neil Young. It is the seventh track on his album Living With War, which was recorded in 2006 and was nominated for a Grammy in 2007.

It begins with a trumpet that plays the first six notes of " Taps", then followed by a choir, which lists several reasons why the then President of the United States George W. Bush is to impeach under a Impeachmentverfahrens. The song is sung to the tune of Steve Goodman's song City of New Orleans and includes excerpts from the speeches of the President.

On August 17, 2006 Young played the song in the U.S. television satire show The Colbert Report, but was interrupted after the first line, due to the steadfast support Bush played the part of the presenter Stephen Colbert.

After Young had initially advocated after the attacks of 11 September 2001, the Patriot Act, with its restriction of civil rights, his U-turn can be regarded as typical of the increasing aversion of the U.S. population by the policy of President Bush. This is also the Young himself: "I feel this wave in the country and reflects it resists, that's what I 'm doing. "


  • Rock song
  • Song 2006