
The English town of Letchworth in Hertfordshire was the first implementation attempt a garden city. It was founded in 1903 around 60 kilometers north of London.

The plans were done by Barry Parker and Raymond Unwin. The total area consists of 2057 acres and the open spaces within the city 52 acres of land.

Letchworth should meet the new social reformist approaches that Ebenezer Howard had asked the urban development. To form an independent small-town unit own industry was created. However, this city has never been self-sufficient, but dependent from the beginning of London.

Today, living in the city of 33 249 inhabitants ( 2011). The official English title is Letchworth Garden City. The city is the administrative center of the district of North Hertfordshire.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Richard Smith, painter
  • Simon West, Film Director


  • France Chagny, France
  • Germany Wissen, Germany
  • Norway Kristiansand, Norway