Lhoba people

The Lhoba (also Lhopa; Chinese:珞巴族, Pinyin: Luòbāzú ) are quantitatively the smallest of the 55 officially recognized ethnic minorities of the People's Republic of China. At the last census ( 2010), a total of only 3,689 Lhoba were in the administrative -controlled areas of China, especially in the southeast of Tibet counted.

Under terms as Aka, Adi, Abor, Arbor, Idu Mishmi, Midu, Miri, Nishi and Tangam some Lhoba - tribes (about 120,000 people ) in Indian- controlled portion of the Tibetan circles Cona, Medog and Zayü, now the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh.


Part of the Lhoba speaks Bengni - Bogarisch (崩 尼~博嘎尔 语), another Idu - Lhoba (义 都 珞巴 语). Both languages ​​belong to the North - Assam - Tani branch of the Tibeto- Burmese language family within the Sino - Tibetan language group.


The Lhoba outweigh indigenous beliefs. A few individuals are followers of Tibetan Buddhism ( " Lamaism ").

Dissemination of Lhoba in China

Distribution at the provincial level according to the data of the census of 2010 ( as of 1 November 2010)

Dissemination at the district level ( census 2000)

For the distribution areas only values ​​above 0.50% were considered.

Nationality communities of Lhoba
