Lino Landolfi

Lino Landolfi ( born April 6, 1925 in Rome, † February 11, 1988 ) was an Italian comic book artist.

Landolfi, who had initially studied art, began in 1946 with drawing comics. He drew comics for various newspapers before 1947, the partnership with the magazine Il Vittorioso began. For this he drew various comic book adaptations of literary works, such as Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee at the court of King Arthur, as well as some comic series, such as Procopio, which appeared from 1952 to 1968. In German Procopio appeared at Bastion in the Felix- large volumes under the title Pepi popcorn. For the comic Messaggero dei Ragazzi magazine Landolfi recorded from 1962. 1969 Landolfi moved to the newspaper Il Giornalino for which he worked from an early age, and was responsible for both these comic adaptations of literary works as well as humorous series.

Landolfi, who counted in 1973 to the first winners of the Yellow Kid, died in 1988 in Rome.
