Linux Assigned Names and Numbers Authority

The Linux Assigned Names and Numbers Authority ( LANANA ) is a central registry for names and numbers, which are used within Linux. This name collisions can be avoided in compliant designation and so should interoperability be promoted throughout the Linux landscape. It maintains lists of names of installation packages, init scripts, cron scripts, device name, and other things. It is part of the Free Standards Group and the Linux Foundation.


In 1992, the Linux device list by Rick Miller was created and maintained until 1993. In 1995, the maintenance of Hans Peter Anvin has been adopted. In 2000 he founded to the LANANA, the future should still maintain other lists besides this. The name was chosen as an allusion to the IANA registry for the names and numbers for the Internet. 2002 was the LANANA official working group of the Free Standards Group.
