List of balls in Vienna

The Vienna ball season takes place during the carnival period from 11 November to Shrove Tuesday in Vienna. Usually find the first big balls until New Year's Eve (31 December) instead, such as the Imperial Ball at the Hofburg.

The Viennese ball Intangible Cultural Heritage

The Viennese Ball in its specific tradition concerning Protocol in sequence - for example with opening midnight show and ball finale - Ladies donations and dress codes, which has become since the imperial era style icon for balls in the whole of Central Europe was included in the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Austria in 2010. Having discussed that there was also the Vienna corporative -Ball on the list of 17 Viennese balls, the entry Viennese Ball of the Austrian Commission for UNESCO in 2012 was deleted again from the directory. This was attributed to an incompatibility of the Viennese Balls corporation with the basic values ​​and principles of UNESCO.

List of balls (selection)

However, outside of the "right " ball season many balls take place, such as the Life Ball ( AIDS Charity Event a ) and Concordia ball

In the core time there is hardly a day that does not take place at least one ball, as there is hardly a school, parish, ethnic group or profession that makes it take if to ask in small and very small frame, to dance.
