List of mountains in Slovenia

This list shows the amount of ordered, the highest mountain in Slovenia. In the Alps, a survey is considered as a separate mountain, if it has a saddle height of about 100 or according to other sources 300 meters. This list shows all the peaks over 2500 meters high and over 100 meters Vertical separation are listed. The mountain heights are given in meters above the Adriatic.


  • Rank: Rank the mountain to the above criteria occupies among the highest mountains in Slovenia.
  • Image: Image of the mountain
  • Summit: Name of the Summit
  • Height: height of the mountain in meters
  • Mountain range: mountainous group in which the mountain is located.
  • Dominance: Dominance describes the radius of the area, which is dominated by the mountain. Given in kilometers with a reference point.
  • Vertical separation: The saddle height is the height difference between peak height and the highest Einschartung to which one must descend at least to reach a higher peak. Stated in meters.
  • First ascent: named after the first date. Empty field means that the first person to climb or the date can no longer be traced.

