List of Palatine locomotives and railbuses

This list shows the locomotives and railcars of the Palatine and the Palatine railways network of the Royal Bavarian State Railways are listed.

Name of locomotives

The Palatine locomotives were numbered consecutively and given a name. Released by phasing numbers were again awarded to neugelieferte locomotives. For ship bridges, secondary railway and narrow gauge locomotives, a separate number range with Roman numerals was used.

The assignment of names in 1904, as the sale of the Bavarian State awaited set. Only four then delivered locomotives - three P 4 and L 1 - still got names. As namesake towns, castles, rivers and mountains from the Palatinate were usually chosen. Episode was the use of names from the legend of classical antiquity. The special importance of express locomotives was emphasized by the fact that they bore the names of Bavarian rulers and important people of the Bavarian government and the management of Pfalzbahn.

The introduction of generic names was performed at the Pfalzbahn only 1898 were formed four main groups.:

  • P - Passenger and express train locomotives ( tank locomotives also for these services )
  • G - freight locomotives
  • T - Tender locomotives ( for mixed service )
  • L - Narrow gauge locomotives ( for local railways )

The genus letters followed an Arabic numeral to distinguish the types. With a high-ranking Roman numeral designated one sub types. The Palatine generic names have been performed only on paper and not written to the engines themselves.

With the acquisition of the Palatine network through the Bavarian State Railways to January 1, 1909 their designation system was adopted for new locomotives. However, older locomotives retained their generic name. The network for the Palatinate newly built locomotives continued to receive the number of the row Pfalzbahn subsequent numbers.

Steam locomotives

Locomotives of the start time for all types of train

None of the locomotives was more redrawn to an operating point of the Deutsche Reichsbahn.

Passenger and express train locomotives

Freight locomotives

Tender locomotives

Narrow gauge locomotives

The Palatine narrow gauge locomotives were procured for the following scale in meter gauge local railways:

  • Ludwigshafen- Dannstadt- Meckenheim
  • Ludwigshafen- Frankenthal Großkarlbach
  • Speyer- Geinsheim -Neustadt ( Haardt )
  • Alsenz - Obermoschel


The Palatine railcars were out in the car park directory and got car numbers. About the products listed in the table below new vehicles beyond 1896/97 two handed over by an electrical company schmalspurige battery railcars were tested. Moreover 1897-1900 were four two-axle passenger cars - one of which is provided with additional center axis - provisionally prepared to battery railcars and used. After delivery of the new car in the demolition was carried out to passenger cars.
