List of Scottish monarchs

The list of rulers of Scotland contains the sovereign heads of state of the Kingdom of Scotland ( Alba ) from its unification in the 9th century, when it rose up to the year 1707 by the Act of Union in the Kingdom of Great Britain.

The king of the Scots of Dalriada ( Dál Riata ), Kenneth MacAlpin, traditionally stands at the beginning in the lists of kings of Scotland. Through his was at 843 in Scone coronation as king of the Picts, he united the Kingdom of the Scots Gaelic and thus founded the Kingdom of the Scots (Gaelic: Alba ). The succession to the throne under the house Alpin corresponded to the Scots in the traditional royal election ( Tanistry ), which was replaced under the house Dunkeld by primogeniture.

Since the late 11th century, the Scottish kings were in a Vasallitätsverhältnis to the southern kingdom of England. This led to the end of the 13th century in the near annexation of the country by England, which could be averted, however, by the victory of the Scots at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314. 1603 could instead climb the English throne and thus constitute a more than one hundred -year-long personal union between the two countries as well as the Kingdom of Ireland, the Scottish royal house. This was eventually replaced in 1707 by a real union under the name Kingdom of Great Britain.

List of the Kings of Scotland


House of Dunkeld

Interregnum and the struggle for independence

Through the extinction of the House of Dunkeld a vacancy occurred in the succession to the Scottish throne one, as several pretenders raised a claim to the crown. The called as referee King Edward I of England decided in 1292 the principle of primogeniture following for the pretender of the house Balliol as the oldest relative of the old royal family.

After King John had not proven to be a reliable vassal of King Edward I., that decreed the deposition of the King of Scotland. After the victory of the English at the Battle of Dunbar, Johann revealed and abdicated. Scotland was then placed under the direct English administration, which provoked the struggle for independence of the Scots.

Bruce House

House Stewart / Stuart

Scotland in the Commonwealth of England

House of Stuart

Launched jointly by the Glorious Revolution to the throne of Scotland, England and Ireland, they recognized customary in England freedoms in the Bill of Rights, which the state adopted a constitutional form. Wilhelm asserted against Jacobite uprisings in Scotland and Ireland ( Battle of the Boyne, 1690). After the death of Mary, he continued to rule alone. In the Act of Settlement 1701 Catholics were excluded from the succession. Made with Habsburg the Grand Alliance against France.
